1. It is necessary to support the ground horizontally. Otherwise, it is necessary to make a horizontal supporting surface. It cannot be supported on a cavity.
2、小型混凝土搅拌车有必要支承在坚实的地上上,若支腿最大压力大于地上许用压力,有必 要用支承板或辅佐方木来增大支承表面积。
2. It is necessary for the small concrete mixer truck to be supported on the solid ground. If the maximum pressure of the supporting leg is greater than the allowable pressure on the ground, it is necessary to use the supporting plate or square timber to increase the supporting surface area.
3. When the small concrete mixer truck is supported near the pit and slope, the safe distance should be kept.
4. When supporting, make sure that the whole machine is in horizontal condition, and the maximum horizontal deflection angle of the whole machine is not more than 3 degrees.
5. When opening or closing the outrigger, the rotation range of the outrigger is the risk area, and the personnel may be pinched in the range.
6、支承时,一切支腿有必要弹性和打开到规则的方位(支腿与支耳上箭头对齐,前支腿臂与前 支腿伸出臂箭头对齐)不然有倾翻的风险。
6. When supporting, all outriggers must be elastic and open to a regular position (the outrigger is aligned with the arrow on the outrigger, and the front outrigger arm is aligned with the arrow on the front outrigger extension arm), otherwise there is a risk of tipping.
7. It is necessary to support the outrigger according to the requirements before operating the boom. It is necessary to close the boom and put it on the main support of the boom before operating the outrigger.
8. It is necessary to close the boom immediately and support it according to the requirements after removing the factors of stability decline. The factors of stability decline include the change of ground conditions caused by rain, snow water or other water sources, and the oil cylinder of outrigger sinking on one side of outrigger has leakage.
This article is from: small concrete mixer. For more information, please click: http://www.zkzdsljbc.com We will provide a satisfactory service for your questions, welcome your call!
作者:中科聚峰混凝土搅拌车厂家 时间:2021-06-04